Edgar Snyder and Associates - Fan Tweets
Renowned lawyer Edgar Snyder reacts to things that people have tweeted about him over the years.
Edgar Snyder and Associates - Fan Tweets
Renowned lawyer Edgar Snyder reacts to things that people have tweeted about him over the years.
Hi Edgar. So, today we'll be reading some of the things that people have tweeted about you over the years. That's great. First tweet is: Band Name: Edgar Snyder and the Associates. Truly, that's not the first time that I've had a tweet in that name. There was a band in San Francisco called Edgar Snyder and the Associates and i'm not joking. I wonder if Edgar Snyder is as nice as I imagine him to be. I don't know how nice he imagined me to be but I am really a nice guy. Edgar Snyder has looked the exact same for the 23 years I've been on this earth. I take that as the highest compliment. I wish it were true. This heat has me miserable and walking home every day at the speed of Edgar Snyder's aging since the '90s. I don't believe it but if other people do, fantastic. But i'm very busy right now and I have to go upstairs. I need to know Edgar Snyder's skin care routine. Dude hasn't aged a day since 2012. I don't have a routine, but I do get up in the morning and wash my face. So, if that's helpful, I think that would be a great thing for you to do. [Laugh] Skin care routine. Another tweet is Edgar Snyder is a vampire. I am not a vampire. I just look like a vampire. OK, Edgar. Edgar Snyder is an immortal being. He's been practicing injury law for eternity. He cares not for money, only power. I don't care for money or power. I'm just happy to be practicing law for eternity and I hope it stays that way. I can't believe I just heard the word clout in an Edgar Snyder commercial - I need to move to a cabin in the woods in Canada. I know what the word clout means but I don't know what it means in this context so I have to move to the cabin in the woods — maybe I'll get it. Someone else tweeted: Forget small talk I want to know the name of your city's local injury lawyer, mine's Edgar Snyder. You don't need anybody else except Edgar Snyder. Don't worry about any other names, you got the best. I love the Edgar Snyder commercial where he's like I'm a biker, I'm in a biker gang, I get it. I am Edgar Snyder and I am a biker but I'm not in any biker gang but I think that everything sounds good to me. I have to go. If you don't mind, it's time to leave OK Edgar, we have one more tweet for you. Someone said: Please don't cancel me but I honestly don't understand how people can call themselves an atheist. How can you not believe in God? It's so stupid in my opinion. You just walk around ignoring Edgar Snyder's existence? Comparing me to God? Come on, I'm just Edgar Snyder, a personal injury lawyer. Let's not go too far. [Producer]: Awesome. Bye
Edgar Snyder and Associates - Fan Tweets
Renowned lawyer Edgar Snyder reacts to things that people have tweeted about him over the years.
Renowned lawyer Edgar Snyder reacts to things that people have tweeted about him over the years.
Renowned lawyer Edgar Snyder reacts to things that people have tweeted about him over the years.