How effective are endorsements for candidates? Political experts weigh in
How helpful are endorsements for candidates?
Political expert Brian Sanderoff said it doesn't make much of a difference. However, he believes high-profile politicians can inspire people to get out and vote.
"I think in high-profile races like the governor, most voters have made up their minds already. Getting the endorsement of the politicians wouldn't make that much of a difference," Sanderoff said. "With all the negativity happening now in these campaigns through the TV ads, the campaigns want to get some positive news out there. So, getting an endorsement from a former president or former vice president is good, positive news. Will it change anybody's mind? Probably not. "
"Those positive endorsements are a breath of fresh air getting away from those negative ads for a moment, and an opportunity to get positive news rather than all the negativity we hear throughout the campaign," Sanderoff continued.
Political expert Rhiannon Samuels weighed in on the impact national endorsements can have over local endorsements.
"National heavy hitter names are really important to campaigns because those are the ones you generally see across the media," Samuels said. "It may not only just be in your local market, but on CNN or FOX. So, it's somebody that you, by the proxy, kind of invited into your home. The way I think of endorsements are like friendships. So, if your friend has another friend by proxy, you'll generally trust them in the same way endorsements happen. If somebody is saying something negative about someone you were going to support and now you see that endorsement come through, it may have a reconsidering effect on what you're going to do."
However, Samuels believes it doesn't diminish the impact of local support for both candidates.
"Whether it's a state rep, senator, city councilor, because those are the people that have an impact on your day-to-day life you may even know from the grocery store or your school," Samuels said. "They both have weight in somebody's selection process, but in different ways."
Election day is Nov. 8.