Fire safety expert offers tips after several recent fires in the Pittsburgh area
Wilmerding's fire marshal wants to share some potentially life-saving advice ahead of the holidays.
Wilmerding's fire marshal wants to share some potentially life-saving advice ahead of the holidays.
Wilmerding's fire marshal wants to share some potentially life-saving advice ahead of the holidays.
Wilmerding Fire Marshal Alvin Hussey said the fires he investigates mostly involve overloading circuits. Hussey said fires occur this time of year when people are off work, home more, cooking and decorating for the holidays.
"It's great to be festive — just do it smart," Hussey said.
Hussey said people should first consider where they are decorating and how to display the holiday lights safely, before they get started.
"Most of the time they end up in the home around banisters, extension cords get ran everywhere and get put underneath floor mats and people don't realize that those electrical sources need to breathe as well, because energy is heat," Hussey said.
Hussey said power strips have wattage limits that need to be considered, regardless of how many outlets are available.
He said space heaters should only be used temporarily, they should not be used to heat an entire home. Space heaters should have an automatic shut-off in case they tip and should never been left on unattended.
The Wilmerding fire marshal said it's important to also look around your home and make sure the items you are using wouldn't add fuel to a potential fire.
"Any type of added fuel you put in a room is gonna be a problem if you have a fire because now you've given that fire other fuel packages to feed off of because a fire only has to be big enough to start another fire," Hussey said.
Hussey said if you are taking safety precautions yet still find your home on fire, you should be prepared for that as well. He said to change the batteries in your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector annually, have an exit plan and keep a fire extinguisher nearby.